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3 Mouth Cancer Risks You Should Know About

added on: January 22, 2018
anxious woman in dental chair

What you do (aka your lifestyle choices) can affect more than just your total body health and wellness, it can also make an impact on your oral health. Is 2018 the year you start going to the gym, the year when you finally get that promotion, or maybe it’s the year that you finally quit smoking?

Whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve, and always know that the caring All About Smiles team in Wilmington is here to help you get to your healthy goals for good. Taking charge of your health and being more mindful what you put in your body is an excellent place to start.

Let’s talk about how you can lower your risk of oral cancer. It starts with simply learning more about what risks are out there and how you can protect yourself.

1) Tobacco Use

The biggest cause of oral cancer is, by far, tobacco. This means chew, cigarettes, pipes, and cigars leave you vulnerable to developing cancer in your mouth. According to the American Cancer Society, about 80% of people with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer use some type of tobacco. Your risk for developing cancer will depend on how often you use tobacco and how long you use it. That’s why it’s important to make 2018 the year you put an end to your tobacco use. This will greatly improve your odds of not developing oral and other types of cancer, and it will dramatically change your overall health too.

2) Heavy Drinking

How many alcoholic beverages do you drink each week? If you use alcohol regularly, this can also elevate your risk of having oral cancer. Research shows that nearly 70% of people diagnosed with oral cancer are heavy drinkers. If you use both alcohol and tobacco, the risk is even greater — sometimes as high as 100%!

3) General Factors

The American Cancer Society says that oral and oropharyngeal cancer are actually twice as common in men as compared to women. This could be due to a differentiation in alcohol and tobacco use. Age can also play a factor in your oral cancer risk. Most people are diagnosed around the age of 62, with two-thirds of people who have oral cancer are over age 55. Do you love to soak up the sun or have a job where you work outside? This could also put you at risk for oral cancer on your lips.

Studies have also shown that a poor diet with a low intake of fruits and vegetables could also lead to oral cancer. Please call our office for a thorough oral cancer screening. The earlier you make lifestyle changes, assess your risks, and address any potential issues — the greater the chance that you’ll live a full, healthy life.

Make 2018 the year of YOU by taking charge of your oral and overall health.

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