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Eating Healthy During The Holidays

added on: December 7, 2017
holiday oatmeal

All About Smiles understands that this time of year can make eating healthy, nutritious foods somewhat difficult. Most people and families have the opportunities to attend special, holiday-related gatherings and parties. It’s tempting to indulge at these get-togethers in the presence of all kinds of decadent foods and drinks.

We want you to relax and enjoy spending time with friends and family this holiday season, so here are some tips to help you maintain your healthy eating habit to ensure your mouth, mind, and body stay in shape.

Tip #1 – Eat Before You Leave

If you’re headed to a party where you know there will be a spread of delicious, non-diet friendly food options, it’s not a bad idea to eat a small, nutritious meal or snack before you leave. Try having some fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese, or your other favorite healthy foods. If your stomach is full it will be less tempting to eat the party foods. Another tip – don’t tempt yourself by hanging out by the hors d’oeuvres table or the buffet where all of the delicious, non-diet friendly foods reside.

Tip #2 – Discretion is Advised

Just because holiday party food is in front of you, it doesn’t mean it needs to end up on your plate. It also doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy any of the tempting treats that appear this time of year. Just use discretion. If there’s something that you really want to eat or drink, do it. Just do it in moderation and skip the other stuff that’s offered to you.

Tip #3 – Stick To Your Diet

You’re so good at eating healthy the rest of the year, so don’t end your diet just for the sake of the holidays. Your mouth, your mind, and your body will all thank you. Here are a few helpful tips to keep you in shape and enjoying complete wellness.

  • Maintaining your regular exercise routine is key. You may even have to step it up a little bit to compensate for the influx of fattier, sugary holiday foods that are available.
  • Using a smaller plate during a holiday dinner can help you practice portion control.
  • Watch your alcohol intake this time year. Alcoholic beverages can be high in calories and contain a lot of unhealthy sugar. If you choose to imbibe, try clear alcohol and a low-calorie seltzer to keep your calorie count low.
  • Don’t forget about your smile too! Make sure you are brushing and flossing on a daily basis. Sweet treats are quite common around the holidays, so maintaining your oral health routine is even more important.

Even if you do give in to your cravings and celebrate the holidays with food and drink, it’s OK. Getting back on track is easy when you eat foods that are good for you, and practice your other healthy habits. And don’t forget to keep your checkups with the All About Smiles team. If you need help during the holidays (or any time of year) we’re here to help. Together, we can achieve and maintain total smile and body health and wellness.

About The Author
Dr. Lewis Yu

Dr. Lewis Yu, who graduated with a dental degree, completed a two-year postgraduate oral surgery training in New York City and Pennsylvania. Board-certified in Naturopathic Medicine and Integrated Biological Dental Medicine, he practiced in Philadelphia and New Jersey before joining All About Smiles. Dr. Yu is affiliated with the Holistic Dental Association and

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