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Make The Most Out Of Work & Life

added on: February 5, 2018
woman smiling at work

4 Easy Ways To Find Your Balance

When your work and personal schedules start to fill up with activities and meetings, maintaining your sanity and health can be challenging. It’s easy, if not unavoidable at times to get caught up in this vicious cycle that can make you lose sleep and drain your creativity.

When you’re always working hard to get everything done fast and furiously — both at home and at work, chances are you’re feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. At some point in all of our lives, everyone struggles with juggling a lot of work, keeping up with our personal/professional relationships, and making sure our families are healthy.

According to Mental Health America (MHA), our nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to mental illness, one in four Americans say they lead lives that are super stressful. This means we’re too busy to take some time for ourselves and do the things that make us happy or feel relaxed.

The good news is: Your stress stops here. While a little bit of stress is actually a good thing (it helps keep us motivated to achieve our goals and do our best), it’s time to loosen life’s stressful grip on you and your schedule with an easily attainable healthy work/life balance. Here are a few tips from the folks at MHA recommend implementing immediately.

Make Your Goals Manageable

Do you already do a “To Do” list? If not, you should be. If you do, it’s important to take care of important tasks first and eliminate the ones that do not need to be your biggest priority. When we complete tasks it helps create a feeling of control and accomplishment. The same goes for both your work and home responsibilities. Don’t overwhelm yourself with things you know you’ll never be complete. Always ask for help and try not to over commit your time.

Efficiency Is Key

Bringing more efficiency into your life is necessary to help restore balance. Try to avoid wasting time and procrastinating — both at home and at work. MHA stresses that this is extremely important when we face large projects or task that seem insurmountable. Break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces, complete each job in order, and be sure to reward yourself when you finish on target and on time.

Be active. Get exercise.

Your body needs to always be active and regular exercise is essential to staying healthy both physically and mentally. Being active can dramatically reduce your stress levels, help you fight depression/anxiety, gives you more of a fighting chance in the face of adversity, and provides a big boost to your immune system. Working out can be fun if you focus on all of the benefits you’re going to gain from all of your hard work. Research your local gyms or exercise classes if you’re looking for something a bit more structured. Start today by simply taking a walk outside! Your mind and your body will thank you.

Help is available. Just ask.

When you’re stressed and struggling to make ends meet, it can feel like the end of the world. It’s important that you’re honest with yourself, your friends, your family, and your co-workers when life throws a wrench in your plans. We’ve all been there at some point in our lives for various reasons. If you find that you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed and uneasy about things in your life, MHA recommends that you consider talking to your doctor or a mental health professional about how you’re feeling.  Seeking out help and solutions to whatever issues you’re facing is never a sign of weakness. It shows your strength in keeping a firm commitment to take care of your mind, body, and soul.

Don’t forget about your oral health too. What goes on in our mouth’s is directly related to things that are occurring elsewhere in our bodies. Please call the All About Smiles team in Wilmington to ask any questions you may have about your oral and overall health. We’re happy to schedule an appointment and have a discussion with you!

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