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The Top 4 Plants to Help Feed Your Brain

added on: September 21, 2018
herbs in drinking glass

Now that fall has finally arrived, it’s time to think about the different fruits and vegetables that are available to eat that are fresh and healthy for you. But in this blog, your All About Smiles holistic dentist in Wilmington is going to take it one step further and focus specifically on your brain health!

Did you know there are a wide variety of plants and herbs that you can grow in your own backyard or pots in your house that can help dramatically boost your brain health?

We’re sharing four of the most common and easy to maintain options to help make your mind healthy and happy.


A study published by the National Institutes of Health shows Alzheimer’s patients who took daily sage extract supplements saw an improvement in their cognitive function. Four months later, they were calmer and had less days filled with agitation. Other studies have shown that smelling sage and eating in our meals can help with memory. It’s easy to find and maintain, so consider planting some of your own and exploring the many benefits of this beautiful herb.


It seems kale is everywhere these days. We love adding it to our super healthy green smoothies that we serve up to All About Smiles patients in Wilmington. Our ancient friends from Greece really loved kale too. It was one of their favorite veggies because they believed it greatly helped rheumatism, boosted memory, and sharpened eyesight. We have omega-3 fats and lutein to thank for that. Your brain loves them, and so do we!


Ok, so it might be a little tricky to grow these inside, but there’s usually a wide variety of beans available at your favorite local grocery store or holistic market. Beans are everywhere because they’re really good for us! They help regulate our metabolism and are a healthy source of protein. Lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans are also high in something called choline that supports neurotransmitter health.


Thyme is such a versatile herb. It tastes so delicious in so many dishes, no matter what time of year. One of the best things about thyme is it’s also been linked to an increase in antioxidant levels in the human brain. Thyme also contains high levels of something call luteolin that has anti-inflammatory properties.

We hope you’ve learned a little bit from this blog about these four fantastic foods that are proven to boost your brain health. Do you have other questions we didn’t answer here? Please don’t hesitate to email us or call our Wilmington dental office! Your All About Smiles team is ready to listen.

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