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How to Beat TMJ Pain With Technology and Neuromuscular Dentistry in Wilmington, DE

added on: January 2, 2023
All About Smiles in Wilmington

Do you have trouble with recurring, painful conditions like headaches, earaches, and backaches? This chronic discomfort can limit your ability to live the life you want and often go overlooked or misdiagnosed. 

Headache, facial, and jaw pain sufferers know how frustrating it can be to never really get the relief you’ve been looking for. Let us help you at All About Smiles, where Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu have special, gentle techniques and technology, along with training in neuromuscular dentistry. Together, they can show you how your TMJ (temporomandibular joint) could be the root cause of these symptoms. 

What is Neuromuscular Dentistry? 

We believe in the powerful connection between our oral and overall health. That’s why we provide patients with biological and holistic dentistry in Wilmington. Through this philosophy of care, we believe there’s more to your mouth than just teeth and gums.

We go one step further with neuromuscular dentistry. This is the unique science behind how we can use your muscles’ flexible positioning to rediscover your bite’s comfort and ideal function. Our doctors use innovative techniques and tools to find the best jaw position possible, looking at how your muscles control your jaw and how the nerves control those muscles. We determine how all of this relates to your overall health and experiences with pain.  

See How Our Technology Works

Neuromuscular dentistry uses modern technology to treat your TMJ pain and symptoms more effectively and efficiently. We rely on something patients love called TENS, or transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation, that can help to soothe your tense jaw muscles for instant pain relief. We invite you to schedule a consultation at our Wilmington holistic and biological dental office, where we can show you how our computerized jaw scans and sonographic instruments are used to gain valuable information without being invasive or uncomfortable. You can also talk to us about the possibility of an orthotic or custom mouthguard to help reduce jaw pressure or the effects of teeth grinding and clenching. 

Are you ready to learn more about your options? New patients are welcome to give us a call at 302-600-1165. We can schedule you for a consultation where we get to know you better and talk with you about your dental concerns or pain. 

Learn More About Your Dental Health with All About Smiles!

It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!