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What is Biological Dentistry in Wilmington?

added on: November 22, 2022
All About Smiles in Wilmington

“Comprehensive care for your smile and body from two highly-skilled dentists and knowledgeable guides for help down the path to total body wellness.”

That’s how Dr. Lewis Yu and Dr. Grace Liu describe being Wilmington biological dentists, where whole-body health, prevention, and conservative treatment methods are built into the foundation our innovative dental care. Biological or holistic dentistry focuses on functional medicine, discouraging the use of unnecessary invasive surgical procedures, harmful toxins like mercury, and side-effect heavy pharmaceuticals.

Make the Mouth-Body Connection With Us

Our team firmly believes in the mouth-body connection, meaning what happens in your mouth is directly related to your overall health. Consider this: It’s not uncommon for your biological dentist in Wilmington to find some form of gum disease present in most patients. Gum or periodontal disease leads to gingivitis which also causes inflammation that affects your health elsewhere in your body. There’s recently been a correlation between gum health to Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes. Venturing outside what you’d expect from your dentist, Dr. Yu and Dr. Liu like to consider things such as:

  • Dietary changes that can have more alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effects on your oral and overall wellness.
  • Avoid being overwhelmed with stress in all aspects of your life that can negatively impact your immune system and much more.
  • Make sure you experience proper exercise and sleep to get the best boost possible for a healthier, more productive lifestyle.

We care about what materials are used for restorative dentistry treatments, such as fillings with no amalgam or metal that can lead to health concerns from mercury toxicity.

Prevention is the Best Medicine

The All About Smiles team will agree it’s easy to see that prevention is the best cure possible for all patients. Our unique biological dentists in Wilmington are laser-focused on preventing your oral health problems, which will help reduce whole-body issues. We like to identify risk factors when facing an oral health issue and treat your pain with more conservation methods BEFORE it grows into something requiring more in-depth treatments. 

Welcome to Ozone Therapy

Have you ever heard of ozone therapy in Wilmington? It’s our non-invasive way of removing harmful bacteria, viruses, and more from your teeth. Ozone or O3 is interesting because it acts as a natural antibiotic that allows healthy bacteria to continue their business while eliminating the bad stuff. Ozone can also increase your oxygen levels when it comes in contact with blood, leading to the formation of more proteins and red blood cells. 

Ozone therapy is:

  • Conservative
  • Painless
  • Minimally invasive
  • Effective at lessening treatment time

It has been used for hundreds of years and has recently regained popularity as bacteria become more and more antibiotic-resistant.

Come to our biological dental office in Wilmington for a holistic experience focusing on the whole person and genuinely caring about your wellbeing. We’re always welcoming new patients and look forward to answering any questions you have about your oral health. Start your journey with us today by calling 302-600-1165 for an appointment. 

About The Author
Dr. Lewis Yu

Dr. Lewis Yu, who graduated with a dental degree, completed a two-year postgraduate oral surgery training in New York City and Pennsylvania. Board-certified in Naturopathic Medicine and Integrated Biological Dental Medicine, he practiced in Philadelphia and New Jersey before joining All About Smiles. Dr. Yu is affiliated with the Holistic Dental Association and

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