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The All About Smiles Healthy Mouth Transformation Experience

added on: April 3, 2017

Want to find your best health? Start by getting your smile as healthy as possible! While some dentists may treat your mouth as something separate from your body or your teeth and gums as things that only need to be dealt with when there is damage, infection, or decay present, your Wilmington dental team at All About Smiles sees you as the whole person you are and we strive to treat your smile, body, and spirit. The truth is, we want to get to know you as more than a patient, we want to know you as a friend. We think that makes treatment more comfortable and less intimidating, allowing us to customize your care.

Our Goal at All About Smiles is to:

  • Tirelessly work to make your dental care as good for your body as it is for your mouth.
  • Integrate chiropractors, holistic healthcare practitioners, and fitness instructors into our team.
  • Stay on the leading edge of current knowledge and techniques.
  • Continually invest in the latest equipment so we can detect problems as early as possible.
  • Treat problems with the least interference to the body’s natural system.

To better accomplish this, we created the unique, Healthy Mouth Transformation Experience.

What is the Healthy Mouth Transformation Experience?

This dental experience was created to help us help you through personalization, planning for treatment and fitting it in your budget, and carrying out your treatment plan in a manner that is most comfortable to you. We even offer a guarantee of excellence!

Step 1: Initial Relationship Builder®

  • We are excited to get to know you and hope you are excited too! When you first call our office, we will ask you about your needs, talk to you about our practice, explain our philosophy and office policies, and let you know just how we handle paperwork, scheduling, and payment options. It’s the first step into a beautiful and meaningful relationship, and onto the pathway toward complete health!

Step 2: Comprehensive Health Analysis®  

  • This detailed, 90-minute health analysis is one of the most crucial steps toward total health. We will record all the essential data about your head, neck, and oral health. We also do a complete and careful examination, including a periodontal screening, x-rays, and oral cancer screening. All of this data will be recorded as a baseline for your health records and to help us create your personalized treatment plan.  

Step 3: Treatment Blueprint Review ®

  • True health can’t be rushed. That’s why we schedule your return visit for two weeks after your Comprehensive Health Analysis. During those two weeks, we will analyse and review our findings, and condense this data into an easy-to-understand, personalized report. On your return visit, we will present and explain our report through a powerpoint presentation that acts something like a point-by-point report card for your oral health. We take time to listen to your questions and concerns, before proposing your ideal treatment plan.

Step 4: Customized Affordability Planning ®

  • We want your care to be affordable! That’s why one of our team members will meet with you to discuss how we handle insurance, your financial options, and the time frame you are considering for treatment completion.

Step 5: Health Restoration Process ®

  • Here we go! Your smile is in the making! We are thrilled to have been able to guide you through our discovery process to reach this point in your journey toward health. Because we want your experience to be as easy as possible, we focus your care, maximize procedure effectiveness, and minimize the time spent in our office by completing your work in quadrants. In other words, we will complete an entire quarter of your mouth at each visit until your mouth is in it’s ideal state. We encourage you to continue your work with a personal trainer and chiropractor – essential members of our wellness team.

Step 6: Condition Assurance Advantage ®

  • This is your guarantee of excellence. We stand by all the dental work we do and will restore your work at no cost for the first year and at deep discounts for the next five years.  

To learn more about our Healthy Mouth Transformation Experience, please give us a call. We love our Wilmington neighbors and want to help them smile better and more often. It’s our mission!

About The Author
Dr. Lewis Yu

Dr. Lewis Yu, who graduated with a dental degree, completed a two-year postgraduate oral surgery training in New York City and Pennsylvania. Board-certified in Naturopathic Medicine and Integrated Biological Dental Medicine, he practiced in Philadelphia and New Jersey before joining All About Smiles. Dr. Yu is affiliated with the Holistic Dental Association and

Learn More About Your Dental Health with All About Smiles!

It all adds up to better health, smile, body, and spirit!