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The Pros & Cons of Kissing from Your Wilmington Dentist

added on: February 20, 2014

During the month of February, there’s a lot of talk about love and hearts, roses and candy, kisses and hugs. And while you probably already know our stance on those little candy hearts and boxes of chocolate (easy on the sweets!), you may be surprised to learn that at the Wilmington dental office of All About Smiles, we also have some thoughts on how kissing can affect your oral health.

That’s right, a lesson on the pros and cons of kissing from your Wilmington dentist. When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense to take kissing advice from a dentist. After all, we know all about your mouth.

Let’s start with a positive of puckering up. Kissing is, in fact, good for your teeth. The act of kissing increases saliva production, and saliva helps to remove plaque and wash it away. So next time you’re smooching, remember that it can be beneficial not only for showing your love, but also for your teeth!

While an increase in saliva production is good for your mouth, there are a bunch of other reasons kissing may not be so good for the health of your smile. We all know that kissing can spread colds, but did you know that kissing can also spread gum disease? Research has shown that when you lock lips, it’s just as easy to catch gum disease as it is to catch a cold. If your loved one has active gum disease, you should be aware that it is possible to transfer this major dental danger.

The main lesson in kissing? It can be good for you and your health, but it’s very important to maintain your regular cleanings and checkups to make sure your mouth is in tip-top kissing shape and to avoid passing gum disease to others. Overdue on your professional cleaning or dental checkup in Wilmington? Give All About Smiles a call today!

About The Author
Dr. Lewis Yu

Dr. Lewis Yu, who graduated with a dental degree, completed a two-year postgraduate oral surgery training in New York City and Pennsylvania. Board-certified in Naturopathic Medicine and Integrated Biological Dental Medicine, he practiced in Philadelphia and New Jersey before joining All About Smiles. Dr. Yu is affiliated with the Holistic Dental Association and

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