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Are You Ready to Break Your Cycle of Bad Sleep?

added on: May 3, 2019
woman angry at man snoring

In honor of May being Better Sleep Month, your Wilmington holistic dentist decided to dedicate this blog to sleep. There’s an epidemic happening across America right now as you’re reading this, and chances are, you’re a part of it (and probably don’t even know it).

The Facts About Sleep Loss

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that nearly 8 out of 10 Americans say they would feel better and ready to take on the day if they could just get at least one more hour of sleep. The CDC also found that lack of sleep can lead to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Unattractiveness
  • Premature aging
  • Weight gain
  • Marital problems
  • Health issues

Are you starting to see why getting the right amount of sleep for your body is so important? Have you started thinking about how you could improve your nightly routines or bedroom surroundings to get the proper sleep your body needs? Your holistic dentist in Wilmington is here to help.

Is Snoring Keeping You Up at Night?

There are numerous reasons why we miss out on sleep: stress, too much caffeine, insomnia, and more. But snoring, whether it’s your bed partner who’s the culprit or if it’s you sawing logs every night, could be the reason you’re feeling so tired and sluggish even after sleeping for 8+ hours.

If it’s you that’s doing the snoring, there could be a solution waiting for you at your holistic dental office in Wilmington.

Could I Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea occurs when there’s a blockage in your airway at the back of the throat, and snoring is usually the most common side effect. Your snore away all night long and can even wake up as many as 100 times a night without even knowing it. That’s why you’re so tired every day. Your body and brain are struggling with sleep apnea issues when it should be recharging and healing itself.

Some other sleep apnea symptoms include:

  • Choking or gasping for air
  • Insomnia
  • Morning headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Lack of concentration
  • Irritability
  • Loss of sex drive

Your holistic dentist in Wilmington can help you find a board-certified sleep medicine physician who can help diagnose sleep apnea. They’ll generally want to conduct a sleep study at the lab, or they may give you sleep apnea test you can complete at home. They’ll work with you to better understand your symptoms and determine what treatment can be effective for you.

Once you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you can come to All About Smiles holistic dental office in Wilmington and share your findings with us. We can talk about your treatment options such as a small, lightweight custom appliance that you wear at night to keep your airway open and end snoring once and for all. (Your body and bed partner are sure to thank you!)

We promise you that better sleep and a better you is just a phone call away. Call 302-600-1165 to schedule a sleep apnea consultation with us. We want you and your smile to always be healthy and functioning at full force.

Posted In: Sleep Apnea

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