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4 Steps to Recharge Your Spirit At Home

added on: April 19, 2018
smiling healthy women

Sometimes in our busy lives it can seem like there’s never a good time just to take a moment and do nothing. And by nothing, we mean actually be alone with your thoughts to recharge your spirit and your drive.

Why is this so important? It’s all about chronic stress and the extremely damaging effect it can have on your body and mind. Your body reacts in so many ways:

  • TMJ discomfort or teeth grinding
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Migraines or headaches
  • Muscle aches and tension
  • Heartburn and indigestion

The holistic dentists at All About Smiles in Wilmington have a simple prescription to reduce stress that you won’t want to wait to fill. It’s about spending quality time relaxing, recharging, and releasing your stress. It will make a tremendous difference in both your oral and your overall health.

Follow these four steps to mindful rejuvenation:


  • Meditate For At Least 10 Minutes
    Meditation is something every person should be comfortable doing to help alleviate stress. It requires nothing more than peace, quiet, and maybe a little solitude. There are numerous techniques and videos available to help you find what works best for you. We urge you to simply find a quiet place, visualize your stress melting away, and clear your mind of all negative thoughts or stressful situations for at least 10 minutes. Take deep, mindful breaths and feel yourself start to relax deeply and spiritually.
  • Journal Your Thoughts
    Don’t let the thought of writing add to your stress. There’s no right or wrong way to start a journal. This exercise is meant to open up your mind and help you feel more at ease. Write about your favorite person or memory. Think of three positive things in your life and write about why you’re thankful for each of them. Or simply just start writing. You’ll be surprised by how much it can help!
  • Try Some Tea
    One of the most effective teas when you want to feel more at ease is a warm cup of chamomile. Savor each sip slowly to help melt away the stress from your day.
  • Take A Bath or Shower
    Turning up the heat is an excellent way to help soothe overworked or overstressed muscles. It’s also effective at reducing anxiety. Why not fill up your tub and have a soak? Add a little lavender oil for added stress-relieving power.


Don’t let stress have the final say at the end of the day. Don’t worry if you have to say no or cancel plans with friends or family to simply have a “me moment” in the comfort of your own home. You can tell them your dentist prescribed it!

If you have questions about how stress may be affecting your smile and your life, please know that you can always reach out to the team at All About Smiles. Living your best life is about more than just oral health and we’re always here to help you reach your best potential.

Posted In: Healthy Living

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